Compliance Audit | Good Government | Transparency

Legal Compliance, más que un guía, una visión
de cambio en las organizaciones y compañías.

El conocimiento de las reglas,
nos generará una ventaja competitiva.

La transparencia de la organización,

es una base sólida para su reputación

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Who we are & What we can do for you

Experts in providing solutions in regulatory compliance and legal risks tailored to your business


Compliance is the result of an organization’s commitment to a culture of integrity. Our team of multidisciplinary and knowledgeable professionals in various business sectors implements an effective legal risk management system integrated in their business strategy.

Cyber security, privacy and data protection (LOPD)

Privacy, cybersecurity, and data protection are today in the eye of the hurricane of cybercrime. For this reason, we help you implement risk controls on the information of your company or organization.

Corruption, bribery and fraud (ISO 37001)

The social rejection, the economic damages and the damage that the corruption generates to the society require mechanisms that help to prevent this type of action. We help you control this type of risk as a letter of introduction to your stakeholders.

Prevention of Criminal Risks

Companies, foundations and associations, among other organizations, face new legal risks that may arise from a criminal charge, according to Article 31 bis of the Spanish Penal Code: fines, closure of premises, judicial intervention.

Whistleblowing Channel

Within the framework of a society increasingly demanding in terms of transparency and ethics, we offer companies help to achieve business excellence by strengthening their reputation and credibility, as well as their compliance program and their code of ethics. In collaboration with our partner, i2Ethics, we help you implement mechanisms such as reporting channels to guarantee good practices and good governance.

Prevention of Money Laundering

The economic financing of criminal activities is latent in our society. Our professionals contribute to implement control mechanisms to prevent this type of risk so recurrent in economic transactions.

Audits and Consulting Compliance

Compliance is the result of an organization’s commitment to a culture of integrity. And with the maintenance of an effective legal risk management system integrated in its strategy.


Meet our team of specialists

Team of professionals specialized in Regulatory Compliance, Good Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility


Luis Ávila

Executive Director CCEP-I

“The lack of compliance in organizations occurs below, but it is at the very top where compliance begins. When there is no real leadership in values on the part of the first executives, compliance plans are nothing more than an aesthetic exercise. ” Luis Ávila

Andrés Molina, Senior Consultant Legal Compliance

Andrés Molina

Managing Partner

“Good governance and compliance plans will preserve us from the dangers of business ventures.” Andrés Molina.


Ana Valbuena

Senior Consultant

“Implementing an adequate regulatory compliance program and adopting follow-up and control measures is not an option but a necessity.” Ana Valbuena.

Olga Guidotti Senior Consultant, Legal Compliance

Olga Guidotti

Senior Consultant

“I believe that precisely in the” medium company “is where the Compliance function is truly a competitive advantage and an essential element to grow with firm foundations. In addition, large companies increasingly demand Compliance programs for companies with which they maintain relationships, have the size they have, so in the long run if a Compliance Program has not been implemented, it will not be possible to contract With them. “Olga Guidotti.



Our partners

GAT group, logo

Quantras logo

Burninstone, Logotipo

We are members

Sanish Compliance Association (ASCOM )

i2ETHICS Logo, Complaints Channel.